Substance P (SP) is a pro-inflammatory neuropeptide in colitis, whereas sympathetic neurotransmitters are anti-inflammatory at high concentrations.
Results: In all layers, Crohn’s disease patients demonstrated a loss of sympathetic nerve fibres. Sprouting of SP+ nerve fibres was particularly observed in the mucosa and muscular layer in Crohn’s disease. SEMA3C was detected in epithelial cells, and there was a marked increase of SEMA3C-positive crypts in the mucosa of Crohn’s disease patients compared to controls. In Crohn’s disease, the number of SEMA3C-positive crypts was negatively related to the density of mucosal sympathetic nerve fibres. Sympathectomy reduced acute DSS colitis but increased chronic DSS colitis. Sympathectomy also increased chronic colitis in Il10−/−mice.
Gut 2008;57:911-921 doi:10.1136/gut.2007.125401